New Points System For 2010

New Points System For 2010

The FIA have announced that a new points system will be implemented for the 2010 season, increasing the points awarded to each position and extending the award to the top-ten finishers. The F1 Commission, made up of key members of Formula One and chaired by Bernie Ecclestone, proposed the change to reflect the increased number of teams on the grid next year.

It would seem that Ecclestone has been keen on changing the points system for some time, and last year proposed a medal system much like how the Olympic Games work. This idea was declined before the season commenced and was met with some backlash from both those within the sport as well as the fans.

However, this recent proposal sticks with points – the system having worked since the sport’s inauguration in 1950 – and although looks quite dramatic on paper, actually isn’t a huge change and only presents on real problem. Currently, the points run: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1, with the top-eight finishers collecting an award. Under the new system, the points would run: 25-20-15-10-8-6-5-3-2-1, allowing the top-ten finishers to score.

With an extra three teams on the grid next year, it is hoped that by extending the points system, more of the drivers will be able to score, and therefore, seems quite fair. The new system also re-introduces a larger gap between P1 and P2, something that many fans have wanted since it was closed up in 2003 to try and prevent one team/driver from dominating and winning the titles prior to the final race of the season.

Of course, assuming Formula One continues with the tradition of having one, two or three dominant teams each year, then the points tally will be much greater, the increase of 150% for a victory giving a boost on paper when compared to previous years. This may mean, assuming the system stays for a few years, that the historical statistics may become skewed in favour of more recent drivers. At the moment, Michael Schumacher holds the record for most points earned, totaling 1369 throughout his career (thus far). It took Schumacher 15 years to accrue all those points, but under the new system, it would take a driver far less time to build up to and surpass Schumacher’s record.

Although the old adage of if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it often comes to mind when thinking about how FOM and the FIA attempt to alter the rules, this change doesn’t seem quite so leftfield as they usually do. The new system closely resembles MotoGP’s, with the only differences being the cluster in the middle and the extension to the top-fifteen for MotoGP: 25-20-16-13-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. The system has worked well for motorcycles, so I would guess it would work okay for Formula One.

What do you think of the new points system? Will it work, or is it just another example of Bernie meddling where it isn’t needed?


  • The reliance on points-related stats is always a weird one to me as every time they’ve changed, even slightly (moving 2nd place from 6 to 8 points), they skew the results.

    It’s similar to qualifying results since fuel was added to the competition. Historical qualifying was the bravest driving the fastest, but then it became some kind of fuel-game, where the “fastest” might have landed a very full-but-fast car 2nd or 3rd on the grid. I wonder if taking the fastest times from Q2 would stand for historical purposes?

    For the seasonal point totals, what someone out there with good statistics knowledge should do is create an average baseline across all eras (every time point earnings changed). Then there will be a historical relative point tally as well as an in-season tally that matters for that rulemaking period. So someone earning 25 points for winning Oz in March will only earn 10 or whatever points to their historical tally, and so on…

    It would be an interesting math problem to work out. For someone (else) 🙂

  • Why points are not given for being on the pole and also for being fastest in any particular lap is beyond me. These two aspects of a race where a driver puts it all on the line and suceeds above all who compete should be rewarded. Formula One is about being the best. The best cars, best teams , best drivers etc. Why not offer points to the person who exceeds over all else who compete?

    At first I thought the new points system was a pretty good idea, now I think the FIA missed an oppuritunity to raise the bar of interest for the fans by rewarding the driver who gets the maximum performance out of his challenger during any Grand Prix.

  • After hearing the news, myself, my boyfriend, Iain, and our friends, Marek, Viktoria, Angelo, Jenson, Sebastian (Sebi) and Sebastian (Seb) (And Lilla who was on webcam) throughly discussed and eventually we came to the agreement that the new points system is actually rather exciting.

    The points system will, although, make it so that maybe only two people can win the championship on the last few races.

    Although those drivers who are consistent will be rewarded through the new point system.

  • A couple of interesting points in the comments…

    The reward for pole is… to start the race at the front. That is the traditionnal reward il all motorsport races, and probably since the beginning of racing. Fastest lap? Interesting to keep for the record but is it of any significance? I doubt it.

    The fans? Who are the fans? Those (millions) who only watch F1 and only from their sofa, or the petrolheads (in far less numbers) that treat themselves regularly with a sunday at Brands (as you can guess I live in Kent, any other track will fit the bill indeed) to see the lads racing in anything with an engine, a lot of noise, and funny smells?

    I’m sorry guys WE are the fans, we loved the sport before it was on TV, we go and watch races in the real world, with real rain, real mud and expensives (very) sandwiches… Keep it basic: Practice, quali, race. 3 guys on the podium and that’s it.

    The new system is not changing anything (from the existing one) no bonus to victory, no bonus for a place on the rostrum. I have done my math with the 2 last seasons (2007/2008) and the result is rather disappointing.

    No change (but that was not the point) but no move in the right direction: Kimi will still have won by a couple of points despite 2 more wins(6/4) and as many podiums (12) as the 2 other contenders. Same story in 2008: Lewis would have kept his title thanks to a 10th position in France that will have given him the title despite one less victory and as many podiums as Massa. Not that I want to discuss the 2008 title as everybody was racing with the same rules so the title was fair, and Lewis a great winner, but in my eyes the victory and the rostrum should be much rewarded.

    I can see only a business decision: More teams, more points to keep everybody happy.

  • Reply to Ago

    I don’t think you yu can say that only those who watch races at a track can be PROPER fans.

    I’ll tell you why I can’t go to a track:

    1) My nearest track is Donnington Park which currently is being rebuilt and

    2) I don’t come from the richest family! My grandpa came from poverty in his little Italian village. I am WORKING CLASS!!!

    3) I’m am 12, nearly 13 and I have loads of homework because I have to do my French GCSE next year, so I’m always to busy ona Sunday. I make enough time so I can watch the race but I don’t have enough time to go down to silverstone to watch a proper race.

    I’m assuming that if you call petrolheads only the ones who watched F1 before it was on TV then you’re probably middle class.

    So to be a petrolhead you need to have watched it before it was famous and on TV, then how the hell does that explain me?

    I’ve only been alive for the time it’s been on TV (I was born in 1996) so I’ve always known it famous.

    But I don’t think you can call only people like you a fan.

    I’ve been bullied because I love cars and I supprt Ferrari, but I’ve always stood up for Ferrari, even when they’ve done something stupid.

    So let me ask you this: Who is the real fan?

    The person who spend loads of money on going to track days or the person who may not be able to pay for the seats, but will still support from their own home?

    If I EVER hear you talk about fans in that kind of waythen there will be trouble. I’m Southern Italian, so I don’t talk bullying and unfair treatment kindly.

    Get all the facts next time Ago

  • Claire, what are you doing here? you should concentrate on your homework 😉 You say you’re italian so let me teach you something: Ferrari never do anything stupid, sometimes Ferrari does things the others do not understand that’s all! I’m surprised your grandpa (il nonno) didn’t told you that before…

    … And my mother is italian, most of my uncles are in the “cosa nostra” so don’t mess up with me too 😉

  • And I’m the Don. 😀

    I agree with Ago that the reward for claiming pole position – in the sense of pole being the outright fastest lap rather than a calculated fuel adjusted nonsensical thing they had going on recently – is to start from the very front.

    However, I will add that while the sport thrives on being able to attract many thousands of fans to the circuits, without TV, Formula One would sink faster than the soap does in the bath. And to remain on TV, people have to be in front of one to watch.

    I don’t necessarily agree with the sport being so tightly pinned to the magic box financially speaking. But that is the world in which we live. C’est la vie.

  • Ago:

    I know that Ferrari don’t mess up, but Schumacher “accidently” bumping Jacques Villeneuve at the 1997 European GP wasn’t exactly a brilliant idea.

    And by the way, are you over the age of 16? Because if you are, than threatening an innocent twelve year-old who has (btw) finished all their french homework with the cosa nostra could be seen as a serious offence.

    Oliver White:

    Fine you can be Don, but I bagsy under-don.

    On another note can someone PLEASE put on a new caption contest.

    Oh and also my friend Sebastian who is the biggest Ferrari fan in the WORLD says:

    “I think the new points system will make it a bit easier for the new teams to score points, with a bigger chance (possibly) of getting points.”

    I agree.

  • Also, my nonno wasn’t really an F1 kind of guy, more football. My papa likes F1.

    Anyway I’m not saying that Ferrari are as bad (breaking rules-wise) as say McLaren or Renualt, but every team has their moment.

    Also a little message from my boyfriend, Iain:

    I can see the points system benefitting Ferrari, seeing as the FIA always end up sucking the big Ferrari – – – – (Too rude. As you can see he’s not a Ferrari Fan. More McLaren).

    Ssh, don’t tell my dad I’m dating a McLaren and Scotland supporter who supports Leicester City.

  • Ago,

    Consider a Grand Prix moment where in the closing laps competitor “A” catches competitor “B” and passes to win by pushing his machine to the limits, more so than anyone else in a race. That is the kind of “fastest lap” moment that could be or should be rewarded with points. Make that effort a few times during the season and know that you will be rewarded with points for such efforts does make sense. It directly reflects the efforts or talents of any particular driver by saying if you are that good then should get points for that moment.

    In recent years having one of those moments could have won or lost a championship for several different drivers.


    We the fans take in Formula One anyway we can. I have to say that TV is my best choice as the coverage. This future link to seeing all of it via the computer is interesting to me but I am not that savy with how it all will work yet. Back in the seventies I used to drive my car 4 days (four long days) to see the Long Beach Grand Prix. One year I found a pair of three day passes on the ground next to where I parked ( next to a church, perhaps a message of some sorts…) and the guy who lost them probably was as surprised as I was when I found them. Note: no way to get them back to the rightful owner and I would have if we had ever met up.

    My point is that if you like F1 then you are a fan, whether it be in person, on the internet, or cable or in the paper media or some other kind of information source.

    Ferrari rang my “this is cool bell” the moment that I witnessed them at Long Beach being faster than the incredible sound they made. Angry bees best described it I recall. You saw them come down the backstretch, a long curve then a straight before you could actually hear them. A powerful moment and a life long fan I became from that experience.

    I suggest Claire that you continue to study Formula One , the drivers, the events, the countries , the nationalities etc. and you will get an education that isn’t taught in schools and is rather worldly. I have become found of red cars.

  • Ted Bell-Thank You!

    All I REALLY want is for people to be able to love F1 without arguements.

    Thank you for the advice; I will try andfind some time over the holidays to do that, but I’m busy because I’m meeting up with old friends and I’ve got Christmas this Friday and then my birthday on Sunday, but I’ll promise I’ll try.

  • Dear all, my point (and I am pretty sure you’ve understood that) is that being an F1 fan I have seen the sport changed to become more and more an ENTERTAINMENT. Of course by doing so it has attracted more people but I am a bit upset to see MY (our?) sport turned into something else. As I see things all that could collapse anytime because “they” went too far.

    In the end if I don’t like it anymore I will stop watching it, but I’ll keep going to race tracks because I can’t live without that…

    Happy Xmas to you all!

  • Never give up on Formula One.

    The next generation of race cars will look cooler, be faster and continue the cycle that is Formula One. Todays cars will someday appear rather old fashion and ready for the museums as new regulations and new technologys re-invents and re-shapes what we have come to know.

    I agree that the sport is changing, but it always has. Money is the key to any potential collapse. As long as the flow of sponsor money continues, Formula One will remain at the forefront of worldwide fan interests. It may bend but will not break.

    Count on F1 in some form or fashion being around for the rest of your life. I do…

  • Don’t worry Ago, next year will be great:

    New points system, new teams, fantastic line-ups.

    Oh and (My hero) Michael Schumacher is coming back.

    If an articale is written about Michael coming back, it wasn’t up when I wrote this

  • Happy Xmas to you all!

    And best wishes to you and your loved ones over the festive season. I have a post for the 25th prepared, as I usually do, but on a personal level, I know 2009 has been, at times, difficult. But I know, understand, appreciate and reciprocate your continued support. F1 fans are truly at their greatest when they come together. 🙂

    If an articale is written about Michael coming back, it wasn’t up when I wrote this

    Indeed, wasn’t up when you commented, but ’tis up now. I was at work this morning (or rather, sliding my car into work this morning). But it’s up – the Schumacher is returning.

  • On another note can someone PLEASE put on a new caption contest.

    Hehe, the Captions will return, I promise. 🙂

    To explain to new readers:

    BlogF1 is run by one person (that’d be me, by the way). This person has a full-time career which has nothing to do with computers or the Internet. BlogF1 is my hobby, albeit an out of control hobby. Therefore, writing quality articles only happens when time is sparse enough. Just checking the stats, 1753 posts have been published since January 2006. That’s ~440/year. Which is impressive considering the amount of hours I work at ‘work’.

    I could write any old drivel and post, as so many other sites do, but it isn’t in my nature to add to the echo-chamber (recycled news stories with no opinion or angle) or write about unsubstantiated rumours. I could write about that, and to be fair, probably make a fair amount of extra income doing that. But I won’t. And never will.

    Instead, I try to add to the discussion. This year though, I have learned a fair amount about myself, and have discovered, through difficult times experienced previously, that I can have a life and enjoy things away from this screen I’m looking at right now.

    I know this has been to the great detriment of BlogF1 (this year), but I also know that in the long-run, it will be a great benefit.

    The realignment of the site is almost done – finding a PC to test on IEx has been the major drawback (I work on a Mac day-to-day) – and my coding skills are limited. Also, as mentioned, I’ve been enjoying life once again and have been surfing more this year than I ever have done previously (gliding over the ocean is my other passion). But once the realignment has been completed, you’ll all hopefully see the fruits of my labour and understand why output has been lacking recently.

    I promise you all, once again (it’s been like 5 times this year, I know), BF1 ain’t going no where but up. And the Caption Contests will return, along with a couple of new features/regular series/daily items.

  • Hey Ollie,

    Glad to hear that your having fun. As you say, It’s better to go with the “less is more” philisophy than to post regurgitated tat. One decent article is worth 20 cut ‘n’ paste jobs in my view so keep up the good work.

    Wishing you a fantastic Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Lots of love,

    J x

  • Glad to hear that your having fun.

    Wishing you a fantastic Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Thanks Babe. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2010. 🙂

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