Glock Gets Heidfeld’s Finger, But Escapes Penalty

Glock Gets Heidfeld’s Finger, But Escapes Penalty

Timo Glock has avoided feeling the wrath of the stewards after Nick Heidfeld complained of his fellow German’s driving. During qualifying, Glock forced Heidfeld off his racing line, the result for the BMW driver was a lock-up and time lost. Although Heidfeld’s lap was destoyed, he was running the prime tyre at the time and had the ability to set another lap before the grip was gone. Nick Heidfeld managed a good lap the second time around but was absolutely furious with the Toyota pilot, gesturing so from the cockpit of hs car.

The stewards spoke to both drivers after the incident and despite pleas from Heidfeld, citing his moment with Sebastien Bourdais in Hungary three weeks ago as a similar altercation that led to the French driver receiving a five grid-slot penalty. However, the stewards feel no action should be taken on Glock and the matter has been dropped.

The Stewards after hearing the explanation of both the competitors representatives and the drivers decided that the incident requires no further action. Steward’s Statement.

I didn’t get to watch qualifying so I cannot comment as I usually do and offer opinion. However, if you did see the incident, feel free to say if the stewards are right, or if Heidfeld has been hard-done by.

1 comment

  • Was surprised to hear this to be honest – they seem to hand out punishments willy-nilly these days and there’s no doubt Heidfeld was held up in this case. Presumably Glock had some reasonable excuse which meant he escaped punishment, would be interesting to heat what it was!

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