BlogF1 On La Canta Magnifico

BlogF1 On La Canta Magnifico

This fine Monday morning was made even more welcoming by my contribution to Alianora La Canta’s guest-post series going up on La Canta Magnifico. Entitled Visions of the Future, Ali certainly got my imagination going; flying cars, unheard-of technology, black and white rules that are evenly and fairly enforced, supreme safety while still providing an incredible spectacle, the perfect balance of chasing, overtaking and failing to pass…

…and then I realised that this is Formula One we’re talking about, so I slumped back in my chair and attempted to give some thoughts on the future of the sport with both feet on the ground.

Many of you will have heard of Alianora, a regular commenter here at BlogF1 and around the F1 Blogosphere. Ali writes for La Canta Magnifico, which includes many wonderful gems, particularly if you’re keen on following the plight of engines and gearboxes in the sport. And even though Ali knows the rule book inside and out, her writing is still readable and even more impressive, it is enjoyable.

You can read my thoughts on the future of Formula One by following this link, but be sure to check out some of the other posts on La Canta Magnifico as well.

Original image courtesy of Apple Inc.


  • Thanks for linking to me, Ollie, and like the “version 2.7” comment πŸ™‚

    sidepodcast, the emoticon was more or less asking to be used for an occasion like this – otherwise it would only get exercised once a year πŸ˜‰

  • My pleasure Ali, thanks for asking me to post in the first place.

    And as part of Ollie’s ongoing development cycle to help him move out of Beta, he will shortly be sporting a new nose which sucks in air from his top lip and disperses it up between his eyes through a vent, designed for better distribution of air over his ears, allowing for more stability while walking around corners. Oh, and his ears are also being remodeled, using Honda as inspiration. πŸ˜‰

    I should put myself up for a caption contest!

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